Do you suffer from chronic pain? Have you heard people talk about Myofascial Release Therapy – celebrating the miraculous results of their treatment, but you’re not sure exactly what the treatment is or whether it is safe? This article investigates the benefits of myofascial release therapy to help you decipher whether it’s the right treatmentContinue Reading »
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What Causes Myofascial Restrictions?
How long have you got? There isn’t one straightforward answer to this question. Fixing myofascial restrictions is undoubtedly easier than explaining how they got there. It is for us anyway, with many years of experience under our belts. But there is no short answer when it comes to explaining what causes them. But for thoseContinue Reading »
What Is Self-Myofascial Release?
Have you seen people frantically rolling around on the floor using foam rollers and talking about ‘Self-Myofascial Release’? It’s a miracle if you haven’t. It seems to be a current viral trend right now. Aggressively rubbing tight muscles with foam rollers – before and after a heavy workout – has become the latest “fitspo” trend.Continue Reading »
How Can I Tell If I Have Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
Have you been told by well-meaning friends or relatives that you might have Myofascial Pain Syndrome? Perhaps you’ve been searching online and arrived at a Dr Google diagnosis of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Still, you’re not sure what it is or whether your symptoms 100% fit the criteria. You have questions. What is going on? We’veContinue Reading »
What Are Trigger Points?
Heard of trigger points? For some, a trigger point is when your child asks, “why?” or “can I have a snack?” for the one-millionth time today. For others, it’s when your husband leaves his socks on the floor or doesn’t hang his jacket up in the proper place. When your girlfriend is hormonal and moodyContinue Reading »
Is Myofascial Pain Syndrome Genetic?
Have you been told by an MD that you have Myofascial Pain Syndrome? Confused about what it is and why you have it – or whether you can pass it on to your children? Don’t worry; we’re here to help you. This blog explores this much-discussed, controversial syndrome and reveals the root cause(s). We discussContinue Reading »
What Are The Benefits And Outcomes Of Myofascial Release?
Ah, your typical list of benefits, right? Don’t these all end up looking the same? Actually, we think there’s a big difference. Myofascial Release is very different. We all came to these conclusions through our own experiences, and these experiences have shown us that too many people are being told they just have to “liveContinue Reading »
Is Myofascial Release Therapy Overhyped?
Some people say designer handbags, New Year’s Eve, and curly Kale are over-rated. But if you’re an Instagram Influencer, a Kardashian, or a health and wellness blogger: designer bags and Kale-green superfood smoothies are everything. Plus, some people live for the crushing disappointment of the annual New Year’s Eve parties – closely followed by theContinue Reading »
What Is Myofascia And Why Is It Important?
What is Myofascia? And why is it important? Myofascia is the multi-layered connective tissue in your body that holds, stabilizes, and connects everything. Without myofascia, you’d be a pile of bones, blood vessels, muscles, organs, and skin – lying in a heap on the floor. We tell our patients to think of it like aContinue Reading »
Why Haven’t I Heard Of Myofascial Release?
‘Why haven’t I heard of Myofascial Release?’ It’s a common question we hear from new patients. They also ask whether myofascial release is the same as sports massage or other massage therapies (until they try it for themselves, of course – then the difference is evident). These types of questions are also the reason whyContinue Reading »