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Why Am I Experiencing Neck Pain?

Why Am I Experiencing Neck Pain?

The back and neck of humans are composed of 33 small bones called vertebrae. These bones stack one upon the other to create the spinal column.The spinal column contains and protects the spinal cord while offering support to the head and neck. Then it’s all encased in layers and layers of living connective tissue calledContinue Reading »

What Is Frozen Shoulder And What Causes It?

What Is Frozen Shoulder And What Causes It?

Does your shoulder feel stiff and painful or like it’s “frozen” solid? Has it become a source of trauma and anxiety because everything you try makes it worse?We understand. We treat patients like you all the time. Patients who have been failed by the reductionist techniques practiced by traditional physical therapists, who treat the shoulderContinue Reading »

How Breast Augmentation Scars Can Cause Pain and Problems, Both Now And Later

How Breast Augmentation Scars Can Cause Pain and Problems, Both Now And Later

Have you had or are planning breast augmentation surgery? Without a doubt, there are many aesthetic and positive psychological benefits associated with breast augmentation. They can work wonders to boost self-esteem. Some women even regard their new and improved breasts as “life-changing.” Indeed, in the case of breast augmentation after breast cancer treatment, they’re “lifesavingContinue Reading »

The Dangers of Poor Posture

The Dangers of Poor Posture

How’s your posture? Good? Bad? Not sure? We’re all guilty of slouching, stooping, or awkwardly twisting occasionally. But – believe it or not – if you do these things all the time you could end up with some serious health problems. Yes, really.  As children, we’re told to “sit up straight” and “don’t slouch,” butContinue Reading »

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