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Does Fascia Hold Emotions?

Does Fascia Hold Emotions?

Have you ever heard of fascia? Most people haven’t, and those who have believe it’s just connective tissue that holds everything together. But fascia is a connective tissue that does much more than hold your body together. It’s also integral to our entire structural alignment—it wraps and connects our muscles, bones, blood vessels, and organs.Continue Reading »

Does Myofascial Release Reduce Inflammation?

Does Myofascial Release Reduce Inflammation?

Does Myofascial Release Reduce Inflammation? Are you troubled by “inflammation” in your body?Does your body feel tight, restricted, and sore?Have you been led to believe that there’s no relief for it?If so, you might want to try myofascial therapy – the therapy we perform here at Release Works.Myofascial release therapy is a unique form of hands-onContinue Reading »

What Is Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

What Is Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

Chances are, you or someone you know may have experienced, or be experiencing, Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS). Western medicine characterizes the condition as chronic muscle pain, tenderness, and stiffness caused by muscle trigger points.You know that feeling when your shoulders are stiff and achy after an unusually long day of staring at your computer screen?That’sContinue Reading »

Healthy Habits To Adopt For A Brighter Future

Healthy Habits To Adopt For A Brighter Future

Are you looking for ways to nurture yourself, your body, and your mind?Taking care of our health is essential to leading a happy life.But we often get stuck in unhealthy habits that can be difficult to break without external guidance and support. As a result, it can sometimes feel overwhelming.But a consistent routine of goodContinue Reading »

What Is The RE 3 Recovery Program?

What Is The RE 3 Recovery Program?

Is your shoulder pain a source of stress and discomfort? Have you tried physical therapy, chiropractic, stretching, saunas, yoga, ice, heat, and hot tubs, and nothing works to fix the pain?  Are you stuck and losing hope?The “shoulder” is made up of bones and joints with strengthening and stabilizing muscles and tendons and LOTS of fascia (connectiveContinue Reading »

Are Migraines Plaguing Your Daily Life?

Are Migraines Plaguing Your Daily Life?

We know how it feels. It’s miserable.When you suffer from migraine headaches, the experience is far worse and more painful than regular headaches.Migraines are a form of neurological disease that leads to an intense throbbing pain that leaves you bedridden and unable to work, exercise, or socialize for days, weeks, or even months in severeContinue Reading »

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