Discover the Power of a 3-Phase Approach to Healing That Will Re-Store, Re-Set, and Re-Train Your Body and Mind So You Can Recover
Re³ - Re-Set, Re-Store, Re-Train
...the autonomic nervous system
...fluidity and plasticity of the connective tissue system
...movement and strength in more proper alignment
Why These 3 Phases Are Essential To Recovery
Many people get stuck in a Pain Cycle

Too much time in the Pain Cycle and the tension levels in the body get stuck on high
More pain equals more tension
More tension equals thicker, tighter, more glued connective tissue
Thicker, tighter connective tissue means more postural and structural misalignment
More misalignment means more pain
Rinse, cycle, and repeat
No wonder it feels like your body is stuck in a straight jacket of tension
No wonder you feel like you can't take a deep breath and just relax
No wonder you are hurting and ready to give up
Our Re³ Recovery Program helps you move into a Healing Cycle

Re-set the autonomic nervous system and tension levels of the body so you no longer automatically respond to pain by clenching, tightening, and avoiding
Disarm the protective bracing system so you can begin to acknowledge and allow what you feel
Re-store the fluidity and plasticity of the connective tissue system as you explore and engage with what you feel, allowing change where it previously wasn't possible
Re-train new movement patterns and habits in a more correct alignment
Feel really good
And then move to another layer
That you might initially clench and brace against, until we help you re-set the tension levels there
Rinse, cycle, and repeat
The Details
Each Re³ Recovery Program provides 20 sessions over a 7-10 week period and requires a commitment to healing. Each program is designed around specific goals that are realistic to your situation. You may need more than one time through a Re³ Recovery program to achieve all of your goals.
Sessions can include a combination of myofascial release, movement rehabilitation and correction, calming the 'freak out' mode your body might be stuck in, guided treatment, self care, mindfulness, unwinding, breathwork, and strengthening. All of these will require practice, feedback, and repetition for lasting change. The more troubled something has been, the longer it can take to resolve.
About Release Works Myofascial Therapy Clinic

Whether you've come looking for help because you've been let down by traditional healthcare and want something better than the "rest and painkillers" option nearly always advised by the doctor, or you're VERY health-conscious and already know that our R³ Recovery Program is your best option, you're about to ENJOY the same transformation in your health as thousands of others who have seen proven results in their ability to regain control of their life with a body that feels great, moves well, and can keep going.
Look What Others Just Like You Are Saying About Release Works

I had a knee replacement and was in great distress and pain. I’d tried massage, chiropractic, saunas, hot tubs, ice, heat, stretching classes, exercise classes, yoga, acupuncture...lots of things. Some helped a bit, for a day or two, some for a week or two, but the issues always come back. MFR is the first thing that has worked on a long term basis. I could go to a chiropractor over and over and over again for an issue that you could actually clear up, whereas a chiropractor doesn't actually clear it up. You take no drugs, and the ability to heal, rather than mask, issues is tremendous.
[The knee replacement] was a lot more intense than I thought [it would be]. You've lowered the swelling, the heat, and the inflammation and you're giving me more movement than I had been getting in physical therapy. We've worked on some other things too…my neck, my back, and we’re going to work on my bad wrist… I'm in for an overhaul.
I never miss out on things, I power through it. But the difference is, it's nice to not have to power through it, it's nice to have it feel good when I am active. I was always beat up. Now I'm feeling good doing it. Big difference. Easing the muscles and getting them, and my body, supple again… it's amazing.
I skied hard today and kept up with everyone with no problem. My butt is turning rainbow colors of blue & green, but it hasn’t slowed me down at all. My leg is lifting , my body turning and I felt GREAT today.

Basically I was stuck and losing hope.
I was experiencing sciatic pain in my hip and back area that ran down my leg to my foot. It was the kind of pain that made driving and sitting extremely uncomfortable and would leave me needing to take 1-2 hour long sessions of laying down during the middle of the day, each day. I was taking Ibuprofen twice a day just to function in my job as an outdoor guide, and could not do what I love which is being active in nature - hiking, climbing and skiing due to pain and tightness throughout my hips, back, and IT bands. I tried acupuncture, body code therapy, TENS units, my usual yoga routine, and none of it did more than alleviate the pain and tightness for an hour or so. Basically I was stuck and losing hope. It felt like age, wear and tear, and what I saw as bad genetics was catching up to me.
It has been a little over 3 months since I started working with Release Works, and I am back to hiking, climbing, skiing, and yoga on a regular basis. There is still more work to be done, and I think it is important to understand that your body is always changing. This is the exciting part! Through allowing ourselves to unwind and release, becoming more aware, and discovering the changing nature of what is causing us pain, we can experience healing that is lasting.

Back to running and being active.
Kristal (20s) was already trapped when she found us, her back tightening in pain. She’d been seeing chiropractors and physical therapists since 12 and 15 years of age with only a little bit of temporary relief. She’d given up on being athletic and could hardly be all that active even. Now she was sitting at a desk, trying to be productive but getting even more hunched as her head and back ached.
I remember she couldn’t even begin to arch her spine backwards her spine and ribs were so rigid. She had no clue how that was supposed to work in her body and couldn’t feel the movement at all. (There wasn’t any…)
She was pretty excited coming in one day to show how something had shifted, almost unlocked, and she could get her back arching a little bit.
Kristal has been in less and less back pain, with greatly reduced headaches. She also had a bit of a scare over a cyst putting lots of pressure into her abdomen – these things can be pretty dangerous. Once she felt it reduce and shrink as we treated the area, however, she had no more concern. She was right – medical tests showed we’d helped the cyst to completely disappear.
Kristal is now a big fan of ours as she’s had her headaches and back pain greatly reduced, and she’s back to running and being active. Her life is looking much brighter.
Ready to Make Some Positive Changes in Your Life Today?
Choose The Starting Point That Is Right For You..
Free and Friendly
Perfect for those who need an introduction to our approach and what it can do for you.
Each workshop is designed to give you (and your family members who may be involved in your recovery) an opportunity to learn more about us and our approach to healing.
We’ll cover the basics of what causes some of the most common issues we help resolve and give you an idea of what it might look like moving forward.
Re³ Recovery Program
7-10 Week Program
Perfect for those ready to get started. You've worked too long and too hard to spend another minute of life feeling crappy!
You are no longer willing to just live with things as they are. You know there is better to life than the mentality or physicality you are trapped in now. And you are ready to jump in and get started.
Our R³ Recovery Program dives right into healing with 7-10 weeks of concentrated, focused work to get you feeling better sooner.
Finding Me in the Midst of Chronic Pain
Perfect for those who need something that will help right now!
This is an invaluable resource meant to help you understand how the healing process can look and what it takes to walk the path back to health.
The author shares her personal experiences and insights into the universal lessons found during all journeys of recovery. If you feel stuck, are in pain, and are barely holding on to hope that there could be something better, then this book is for you.

100% Right Decision Guarantee
We are so confident in what we do and how we help people that you are protected by our 100% right decision guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with the level of service you are provided, all you have do is tell us at the time of your session and your session is on us. It's that simple! If we don't deliver on what we promise, then we should not be compensated for our time. Does that sound fair to you?

Michael Sudbury
Founder of Release Works Myofascial Therapy Clinic
Hi, This is normally where motivational and inspirational words would go. If you've made it here and haven't gotten started, I don't have any words to convince you. But I do have a question. How long are you going to let something get in the way of feeling great?
See you soon!
Michael Sudbury
"We Help People Slowed Down And Stopped By Pain Reclaim A Body That Feels Good And Moves Well . . .
So They Can Enjoy A Full And Active Life"