Scheduled For Surgery In Salt Lake City?
Had Surgery In The Last 5 Years?
We Help YOU Get The Best Outcome!
Experience Easier and Better Surgery,
Easier and Faster Recovery,
And Prevent Long-term Problems
Do You...

Does This Sound Like You?
Do You Need a Surgical Prep Program (Pre-op)
Surgical Recovery Program (Post-op)?
The short answer, we’d recommend both!
Pre-operative therapy prepares your body for the physical trauma to come. Preparing before surgery can reduce anxiety,
limit any potential complications and lead to a faster recovery. Surgeries are more successful for the body
when they are not entered into with an already tight, compressed, and twisted fascial system.
Postoperative myofascial therapy limits the damage caused by physical trauma and invasive surgeries. It speeds wound healing and
drainage, while getting you back on your feet more quickly. Postoperative therapy also
reduces the impact that scar tissue can have on the body and minimizes any discomfort caused by the tissue.
Both preoperative and postoperative myofascial release therapy is recommended for those having ANY type of surgery -
This includes, but is not limited to, surgeries related to augmentation; orthopedic surgery including procedures of the spine, hip, knee,
shoulder, neck; appendectomies; hysterectomies; cesarean sections; and surgery for placement of any device or hardware such as a
pacemaker, etc.
The Benefits Of Surgical Prep And Recovery Programs
The simple reality is that every single surgery should be both prepared for and recovered from with the help of someone who really understands how to help the myofascial system be at its best.
Scar tissue and other fascial restrictions that form in a body are a major cause of surgical complications and long term problems afterward.
What's more, not one medical professional in a thousand knows much about it, and they fail to recognize the impact that it will have on you and your body.
We are exclusive myofascial health specialists.
We work with your surgical team's recommendations to prepare your body and tissues (the myofascial system) for the easiest possible surgery and best recovery.
We start with a free consultation to determine if a surgical prep and/or recovery program is right for you.

Why Use Release Works?
Surgery is a stressful event.
Our Surgical Prep and Surgical Recovery Programs give YOU the peace of mind and the help you need during this important time.
We want to be with you every step of the way to make sure your surgery and recovery are the best they can be.
Call Us Now!
Your Body Will Thank You